Fun back day

15/11/2021 20 lượt xem

Perhaps this is a super long Tet holiday for any student, so the day back to the Center, the chirping voices, the radiant joys are easy to see in any face at CNN Vision.

🔺”Oh, I expected to go to school so much, teacher!”
🔺”I still overslept this morning, because I get used to sleeping every day, but I really love going to school”
🔺”I miss Uncle Que, I really crave spaghetti at the canteen at the Center”
🔺“The center is still studying online, so I still get to meet my friends and teachers; But going to school to meet my friends is still more interested; It’s more interesting to play the game ”

🎈 The first day were very exciting, but we still did not forget to follow the principles of epidemic prevention: the first thing when going to the Center is to see Mr. Lam to take the temperature, wash your hands; after eating and after going to the toilet, always wash my hands well; always wear a mask, disinfect everywhere to ensure health safety.